MSK Social Workers Highlighted as Oncology Social Work Pioneers
During Social Work Appreciation Month in March, we celebrated the work of our team. MSK Social workers serve as oncology pioneers in their specialty since the 1920’s. The MSK team paved the way for quality clinical intervention with patients of all ages across the care continuum. The lives of our patients and their caregivers are heavily impacted by the practices of our social work team.
- • Individual counseling
- • Social group work
- • Person-in-environment frameworks
- • Cognitive behavioral therapy
- • Trauma informed care
- • Strengths-based approaches
- • Psychodynamic theories
- • Meaning-centered therapy
- • Palliative and end-of-life care
- • Mindfulness
- • Prolonged grief

Explore the extensive social work programs that encompass a wide array of groups to include: Adolescent & Young Adult; Caregiver Support; Bereavement; Survivorship; and Talking with Children about Cancer, a unique initiative supporting our patients who are parents.
Our dynamic social worker team consists of 60 high-level expert trained clinicians who are relevant to the field work through national conference presentations, consistent publishers, and recognized as leaders nationally in several social work organizations. We celebrate our social workers because MSK is only successful in our mission because everyone does their part!